Annotated Bibliography

The Backdrop Episode 7: Documenting Patwin, One of California’s Indigenous

The Backdrop is a UC Davis podcast, and this episode focuses on the Patwin Language and its decline over time. Language is an important aspect of one’s culture, and I can try to educate others about the Patwin language through my project (its quirks, history, and need for preservation and documentation). The podcast also talks about why the language started to decline, which ties into the history of the Patwin tribe. Overall, the Backdrop episode highlights the urgency to preserve a dying language, but it also shows that reviving a language can be done. There are many resources and people out there that are enabling the Patwin language to continue on. I think the Patwin language is an essential part of the Patwin history, and I hope I can help spread its awareness in my project.

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“The Backdrop Episode 7: Documenting Patwin, One of California’s Indigenous Languages.” YouTube, UC Davis, 3 Aug. 2021, Accessed 6 May 2023.

"Human History"

"Human History" outlines the history of the Quail Ridge region, which is Coast Range habitat about 45 minutes away from UC Davis dedicated to research, teaching and outreach. The first entry details the region’s first inhabitants, the Patwin people, and it describes the flora and fauna of the region, the Patwin tribes’ diets, trade system, clothing, and tools. I plan to use this information to attempt to visually recreate the Quail Ridge region by making sure key elements of the region at the time are present. The authors wrote this chapter to educate others on how the Quail Ridge Reserve came to be, focusing on the humans that shaped it. While this region is small, I agree with the authors that it does hold a significance in California’s, and especially the Patwin tribe, history.

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Nelson, Alyssa, and Lenora Timm. “Human History.” Natural History of Quail Ridge, ser. 4, UC Davis Natural Reserves, Davis, CA, 2004, pp. 5–15. 4.

Our Story

The purpose of this site is to educate others on the story, history, and culture of the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, a nation that the Patwin people are a part of. This particular page gives a brief overview on the history of the Wintun Nation and the Patwin people, including their ways of life, their beginnings and challenges with colonization, and their goal to preserve and protect the Patwin language and culture. I think this site is a great source of reliable information for learning about Patwin history as it was made by the Wintun Nation. It seems the creators of the site are very passionate about their culture and keeping it alive for years to come, and I hope to help spread a bit of that through my capstone project.

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“Our Story.” Yocha Dehe, 28 Mar. 2023,

Social Studies Fact Cards

This is an educational site that “gives quick facts about the traditional way of life in about 1770 of more than 50 early California groups. It is a snapshot of what we believe life was like at that time, and not a history of any of the tribes either before or after 1770”. There is a detailed entry on the Patwin tribe with information about their traditions, lifestyle, food, clothing, and more. I will use this information to figure out how I will depict the setting of my project (i.e. what plants to include or how houses and other buildings look).

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“Patwins.” California Indians, Social Studies Fact Cards,