My users expected all the sprites to be interactive. Both Erika and Sky tried clicking on sprites or walking back and forth to trigger an interaction. This was expected since the player should be able to converse with all the sprites, but because I didn’t code any collision feedback, users were left wondering if there was more. The most surprising thing about this finding was that my users expected to be able to go inside the dome houses. Erika and Sky tried multiple times to interact with the entrance to enter the hut in some way.
Erika and Sky understood that the sprites and background elements were important to Patwins in some way. But, due to the lack of information and elaboration, they weren’t sure why the graphical elements was important or what they were supposed to be. Sky also pointed out that why he understood that the background flora was important to the Patwins in the past, 4th graders might not be able to make that connection, so a more direct prompt may help them make that connection.
Both of my users were able to navigate through the game and initiate interactions easily. They didn’t skip over the instruction promps, and the first sprite collision gave them an idea of how they should interact with items in the game. After that first sprite collision, Erika and Sky tried to trigger interactions by colliding with other sprites.
Based on these findings and other feedback from Erika and Sky, I plan to make interactive more clear by completing the collision interactions. Sky brought up the idea of inlcuding external links for collectable items so students could get more information while Erika suggested incorporating Cole’s educatinoal cirriculum into the supplmental worksheet. If I have time, I tihnk I will test out adding additional links, and I think this can help expand on any supplmental as worksheet material as well.