My topic is the whole seal, but broken up into smaller sections. I want to create a gamified experience that allows users to explore a section of the seal. To make this idea feasible for the time we have, I will be focusing on one section of the seal, maybe a section that relates to Davis’ agriculture or UC Davis. This would be made for younger students from 1st to 4th grade.
I do plan to work with a partner because I think it would help me work through the challenges the project may come with, whether it be in the code or conducting additional research. I don’t have anyone in mind as of now.
A feature I want to include in my project is a backstory explaining the concept of the game, which would be a point-and-click adventure game. So far, the story is that the seal got broken and various pieces were scattered across Davis in different time periods. Users would click into one section of the seal and be transported into that time and place. They then must find pieces of the seal hidden across the 2D environment by moving their character left and right and clicking around. As they click on various parts of the environment, information overlays would show up about the object they clicked, and when they found a piece of the seal, an overlay would appear describing the seal section and its importance.
This project will be very graphics heavy, and I want to go for a pixel art style. But, I’ve never made pixel art before so I’m concerned about the time it will take to create all the graphics, from the background environment to the characters. The number of graphics I would have to make and my inexperience in this art style is my main concern for the project. I’m also worried about how to code the game mechanics, like having the character animate and move around the screen on keydown, or any camera movements that may follow the character. Another thing I’m worried about is creating cohesive content for the game because story-telling would be an important aspect to this project.